_κάθε καινούρια αρχή είναι και πιο κοντά στο τέλος .


bare feet

I hate being neat,
you know, 
so I 'd rather fall asleep
now. Fall into the deep
sea, never again free,
but handsome. I will be
nice, you 'll see.
I will only have a sting
like a bee,
for those who pretend to care
about me.
And you will be a queen,
before you I 'll be on my knees,
in a forest of fools,
i 'll be the tallest tree.
But that's ok
'cause I have weak feet,
you know.
I didn't make anything to eat,
so, no bad dream
can wake me up 
until the sun rises to its feet.
The only thing
is that I still have this fear to beat,
you know,
and nothing works
except you and this pill.

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